Poster By Caroline Pugh

During my stint with Sonoma State University's Economic program I have received invaluable training. My peers and I have reached captivating inferences with data – from dissecting effects the movie Sideways appeared to have on merlot and pinot wine sales, to analyzing lift due to promotion of brands given competitor promotional activity. We have also had the opportunity to work with massive datasets from US Census data to the "coveted" Nielsen data.

During these past few months of reviewing jobs and internships, I have noticed more than a few positions looking for analysts who are familiar with SQL. Analysts are now often expected to be able to get to the data in order to perform the analyses they are trained for. While this may not seem challenging, SQL is not a skill most Econ, Math, Stats, Finance and Marketing students learn before entering the workforce.

More after the jump.

With that in mind, I floated an idea out to several SSU departments and, after very positive feedback, I put together a presentation on Accessing Data With SQL. This presentation is purely focused on reading data from SQL databases and takes students from n00b to intermediate SQL user.

This is, by no means, a comprehensive guide as I only had an hour to speak on the topic. This talk exposes students to SQL and gives them the ability to teach themselves going forward. Please feel free to leave questions, comments and constructive criticism below.

Accessing Data With SQL Part 2

Update1: I misspospoke.  Go figure.  The command I refer to in 37:45 is actually decode not encode.  I should also note that that the decode function is specific to oracle however you can accomplish basically the same thing using a case where statement which is common across most RDBMS's.  Also the website I mentioned in 42:16 is w3schools not w3c or w3cschool.  Man this public speaking thing is hard.

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